Science Discovery Centre and Planetarium

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We’re raising money to build a Science Discovery Centre and Planetarium on the land next to our observatory so that we can expand and enhance our astronomy education outreach activities.

We are talking with some major funders who are interested in our project and its potential to improve STEM learning in the area and become a unique attraction that supports the visitor economy.  To take the next step, we need to raise £22,500 in matched funding by December 2020.   As you can see from our ‘funding rocket’ we have raised £12,200 so far and our thanks go to Ashfield Council, Lindhurst Engineering, Qinesis and Pete W for their generous support.


We have now officially launched the project to the public. Please see this video for our launch presentation and a call for support:

You can find out more about our plans in a video presentation here:

The BBC have picked up on the project with this article:


If you would like to make a personal donation please go to this link:

If you are interested in corporate sponsorship please go either to the following link: or contact our project manager: (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)